Dolmen de la Maison Trouvée

Historic site and monument, Megalith in Val d'Oust
Dolmen de la Maison Trouvée - La Chapelle-Caro - Val d'Oust - Morbihan© A. Orhan-Gumiaux
  • The "Maison Trouvée" dolmen is a burial chamber built at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. It would therefore be around 5,000 years old. This dolmen is covered with a unique table of impressive dimensions: 4.30m long and 2m wide.

    Legend has it that under the dolmen there is an underground passage that leads to the rocks of St Méen. This underground is the home of the Folliards, the cousins of the korrigans. They are known as child thieves. They regularly use this underground passage...
    The "Maison Trouvée" dolmen is a burial chamber built at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. It would therefore be around 5,000 years old. This dolmen is covered with a unique table of impressive dimensions: 4.30m long and 2m wide.

    Legend has it that under the dolmen there is an underground passage that leads to the rocks of St Méen. This underground is the home of the Folliards, the cousins of the korrigans. They are known as child thieves. They regularly use this underground passage at night to steal babies and take their place in the cots. To unmask them and force them to return the babies, there is only one solution: throw nine apples into a pot of boiling water...
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