La Baraque à jus - la Ferme à Marcus

in Breteil
La-Ferme-a-MarcusEric Lecomte
pommes©Tous droits réservés
  • 99% apple juice production. For lovers of local products and unusual experiences, La baraque à jus offers you the opportunity to create your own juice from the apples in your garden.
    Discover all the stages of juice production from the juice press to the bottle, so don't let your apples go to waste, come and press them and leave with your own apple juice.

    The juice shed is available from September 1st to December 15th, 7 days a week by appointment. You need to bring at least 100 kg or the...
    99% apple juice production. For lovers of local products and unusual experiences, La baraque à jus offers you the opportunity to create your own juice from the apples in your garden.
    Discover all the stages of juice production from the juice press to the bottle, so don't let your apples go to waste, come and press them and leave with your own apple juice.

    The juice shed is available from September 1st to December 15th, 7 days a week by appointment. You need to bring at least 100 kg or the equivalent of 5 large bags or a small apple tree which will give, depending on the fruit, nearly 60 litres of juice which will keep for more than 2 years. You can also join together and group your harvests!
    On site you will also find a shop with fresh and local products.

    La ferme à Marcus is a point of sale of the group of producers of the Ruche Qui dit Oui! The baskets are to be withdrawn on Wednesday from 16h to 18h30 and on Saturday from 10h to 12h
  • Spoken languages
    • French
  • Accepted customers
    • Individuals
    • Groups
  • Services
    • Disabled facilities and reception